GLO Science GLO Brilliant Personal
Teeth Whitening Device w/ Case
GLO uses patented Guided Light Optic (G.L.O.) technology, with heat resistors
strategically placed and LED light built into a closed system mouthpiece. The
whitening gel is applied to the teeth, and the mouthpiece activates the gel.
The GLO teeth-whitening experience:
The color of the
tooth comes from the inner dentin structure, below the enamel. GLO Science’s
professional whitening technology for easy at-home use removes enamel stains
quickly and effectively.
G-Vial Whitening Gel:
The GLO whitening gel
is applies to the upper and lower teeth through an easy-to-apply brush-head
G-Vial delivery system. The gel is targeted to the teeth and stays where you put
it, avoiding the gums and soft tissue.
The Patented GLO Brilliant
The mouthpiece is placed into the mouth once the G-Vial
whitening gel has been applied.
Ready, set...:
The user bites down
onto the mouthpiece and presses GLO on the charged GLO
Once the mouthpiece lights up, the whitening gel is
activated and the 8 minute application has begun.
Guided Light Optics:
The light and heat of the mouthpiece accelerates the whitening gel removing
the enamel stains on the teeth.
Fast, long-lasting professional
teeth-whitening results:
After four, 8 minute applications for 5 days in a
row, you’ll have a smile 5 shades lighter with no sensitivity!
- Mouthpiece & Case
- GLO Dock
- 10 G-Vials for 40
- GLO Lip Care